Elevating Academia,

Connecting Minds

Welcome to Science Alert, a multifaceted organization anchored in the vibrant city of Dubai, UAE, dedicated to serving the diverse needs of the academic community. At Science Alert, we take pride in offering a comprehensive suite of services, including academic event management, publishing services, distribution services, editorial excellence, and e-commerce solutions. Our mission is to facilitate the advancement of knowledge by providing seamless support to scholars, researchers, and institutions alike.


Featured Services

Our capabilities enable enterprises to affordably create, capture, convert, enrich, publish, monetize and manage their content assets

Publishing Services

As a leader in the field, Science Alert provides a robust platform to scholarly publishers, societies, and associations, offering a suite...

Editorial Services

Science Alert offers a comprehensive suite of editorial services designed to support publishers, societies, and associations in maintaining the highest standards...

Event Management

With a deep understanding of the unique needs of these communities, Science Alert ensures that each event is not only informative and engaging but...

Meet Us

Join Science Alert at a multitude of premier global events where we proudly exhibit each year. Participation in these events provides us with the invaluable opportunity to directly engage with our customers, editors, and authors, showcasing the exceptional range of products and services offered by Science Alert. Connect with us and explore the frontiers of knowledge and innovation that Science Alert champions.

Meet us

Upcoming Events

Science Alert proudly presents premier international conferences in the vibrant city of Dubai, UAE

Past Contributions to Academic Events

Science Alert has previously participated as a sponsor and exhibitor, contributing to the success of various academic events.


Contact Us

We're here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!



+971 50 5189123

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM